Sunday, October 11, 2009

First nite call

okay2....saya tau rakan2 PRP lain mungkin sudah byk kali buat nite call dan sudah rase jemu dengannya, mungkin juga cerita pasal nite call sudah jadi busuk....but i still have not yet do mine..

lambat kan...sudah memasuki bulan ke-3  but still not doing it yet...and i am very much happy with that...haha....tapi kalo kerja sabtu ahad itu selalu lah kena HSI, doing nite call bermakna u have to work alone at satelit level 6 from 10pm to 8am. quite scary actually to be alone there...

but last friday, izzati is doing her first nite call, and i, being a very nice friend, had temankan dia to go through the nite call the same time i wanted to learn also la kan...niza pun dtg jugak, because she had some reports to, there are 3 of us there lain buat nite call sorang2, kami pula ber-3...

basically, we had to finish all the prescription order before 12o'clock and call all the ward to collect the medication before 12am because the satelit pharmacy will be close from any business starting from 12 am to 5 am. everythings went on just okay...luckily there are no ubat pelik2 or no order pelik2 because that would be the hardest part... After we had settle everything about 12o'clock, niza and i went out for a mdcdonald's drive thru sbb suddenly je lapar in the middle of the nite..and then came back to the satelit pharmacy, and eat and eat....

literally, satelit pharmacy is close from 12am to, if there are any new prescription order or the doctors urgently need any drugs, they will call us by handphone through the operator..see, operator pun kena buat nite call juga..pity them.. so, what to do during these 5 hours??

usually, we will clear up the dispense monitor, discharge monitor and verify all the prescriptions...err, mungkin kamu x brape  faham, but it something like clearing up all the data from the system or else, the system will be damn slow..

di situ disediakan tikar dan juga tv utk mereka bergolek2 menonton tv jika bosan semasa nite call...nice kan..but still, mane ade siaran rancangan after 1am kan, lainlah kalo ade astro ke...haha..btw, the tv was given by the previous KPF prof mansor to boost up his employee's working spirit to do nite call..haha..thanks prof!!

so, ape lagi, dlm pukul 2am begitu, kami pun kunci pintu, tutup lampu, bentang tikar, dan tidoo...seriously rase mcm pergi camping x bole tido sgt pun since it is very damn cold and lantai adalah sgt keras ok...haha...i mana bole tido atas lantai keras weh..then, around 5am, bangun sambung kerja, mase nie dah start dpt call dri wards mintak mcm2 ubat..and was quite busy la during that hours

finish at 8am, then go back home and tido mcm x hengat dunia....since i am sooo not used to stay up late at nite, i feel like getting jag lag tau...haha...tipu saje. So, that is my first nite call experience though it is not really mine.


SuryaRahman said...

aku tak penah kena nite call lagik.
aku rase hospital aku takde nite call lah. ada on call je.
maksudnya aku tak merasa kot nite call ni.
die macam shift jugaklah kan. betul tak?
and hospital aku takde bende alah system jammed ke slowwed ke pasal semua manual. haha. kesian siot mata aku baca cakar ayam.

ckin said...

ooo, jelesnyer aku kat ko sbb x pyh kena wat nite call!!! xdelah mcm shift sgt kot sbb dlm sebulan tuh maybe 2/3 kali je kena buat nite call. kitorang pun selalu jgak la layan cakar ayam sbb server slalu down...haha

Anonymous said...

wow.bagusnye.kitorang xde on call. off call ade la.i mean standby kt umah je. bile desperate and dispenser xleh settle je br kene aku rase tu pun frp je ade off call. prp xde pun nite call.bagusnye korang..thumbs up!