Saturday, May 15, 2010

Robin Hood

went to watch this movie last night after works
and i thought it must got something to do with the red robin hood story
alaaa, cite pasal budak pompuan pakai hood merah kena kejar musang tuh...rasenye laa..hee
 but teetttt...i am totally wrong
it is actually an epic war story
totally mengantokk dan bosan for me
marah gg sbb dia yg pilih movie nie..haha
siap tanya lagi pd gg 
*wei, cite ape ko pilih nie g??* 
*entah, dahtu cite nie je yg ade, aku nk tgok iron men tp ko tanak kan*
*daannng, sbb aku da tngok iron men daa, kesian ko g*

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