Saturday, May 9, 2009

I hate this feeling

p/s: entry ini adelah luahan perasaan semate2 yg mmg ade kena-mengena dgn mereka yg hidup di muke bumi ini

i just came back from bukit cerakah around 2.30 pm was really2 fun..we had a few games and my group end up winning 4 games out of btul...ohhh, lupe nk bgitau, we all kena cbut undi to determine the group, and me is in BLUE grp...waa..BLUE is so not me okey...
---> pics di bukit cerakah akan diupload kemudian sbb saye xde camera..hanya bergantung harap pade org lain yg ade camera

so, mase nk blik tuh...we all start to salam2 minta maaf and hug each's a good bye touch...sad...sad...and sad

i am actually truely, madly and deeply sad...emotional + stress juge..
sorry sbb i drive laju2 pgi td mase nk pegi bukit cerakah tuh, i bkan nk rushing ke situ sbb i knew it is still early and others will only be there around 9 just that driving fast make me feels much better since i dah start rase sedey2 x keruan hati kacau sume..i know it is not good..but what to do...

so, i hate..hate...hate..this feeling
to leave everything that i've had here
i am totally emotionally distress and physically restless now

sabarlah hati..

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