Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Percy Jackson

bukan...nie bukan nak cerita pasal movie percy jackson yg tgah hot ditayangkan di panggung skarang, tp nak crite pasal percy jackson yg novel punye version tuh...agak dah lama aku x bace novel especially since start kerja nie...x sempat the other day mase aku pergi MPH bookstore, tengah aku saje borak2 pasal cite percy jackson nie, tetibe dtg saleman MPH tuh, dia ingat aku nak beli buku cite nie kot...then aku layan je lah tah cemana ak end up beli buku nie...haha...u're such a good saleman!!

Percy jackson - The lightjing thief
setakat ni baru bace sampai page 37....T_T...gilerr lembap kan...nie kire bed time story aku skang la far, crite dia okay, bole tahan best x bole kalah my all time favourite harry potter series la kan...okey, back to reading mode.

sighing: sape nak teman aku tngok movie percy jackson cepat!!

until then....bubbye

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