Friday, March 18, 2011


now i am broadband-less
i have returned the BB back to my friend
it has served me well, thank you

so sekarang tengah fikir should i or shouldn't i go and get myself a new BB
since i'm staying alone in segamat, i used to FB-ing, bloghoping, surfing and chatting every single night before i get mengantuk
yelaa, what else to do kan
tv pun dapat channel tv3 only

if i were to get myself a new BB, i would save myself from a super-boring night life
but if i were not to get myself any, i would save a lot of money from monthly internet bills
okay, call me stingy or whatever
tapi simpan sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit kan
besides, i do think i can survive my night without internet
errr, lets hope so because i never been far apart from internet before

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